Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Forgotten God. by Fancis Chan

Francis Chan wrote a book called Forgotten God. It is about the disconnect of the followers of Christ from the Holy Spirit. We all so often ask God for things and ask Jesus to help us through some trouble. Or thank them for what they have done. Yet we never really thank the Spirit for the ministry we get from it. Jesus even told us that he knew it was better for him to leave so that the spirit could come to us. To help us discern the truth. I like the idea that the Holy Spirit helps us discern truth. Because I have been teaching Sunday school for the 7th through 12th grade guys at my church as part of my internship. I have really loved doing it and we were going through Philippians and we got through to the 3rd chapter at the end. We saw that Paul had given them so many answers and the truth so well that at the end of the 3rd chapter he starts to be vague with his answers and starts telling them that they need to go to God and their questions will be answered. This is because after being spoon fed answers as baby Christians after awhile you need to be help responsible for what you learned and need to be able to show that you have attained knowledge. So I threw them a Curve ball and next Sunday they have to teach me what lessons there are to be learned from Philippians chapter 4 vs 1-8. This next week ought to be exciting!